Fusion Training Center is an all-inclusive facility that has everything from boxing and kickboxing to standard strength and conditioning training to peak athletic performance fitness.
I started going to FTC and quickly became friends with the owner and head trainer John. I would often find myself at his website looking up hours or phone number and quickly noticed that this site was as confusing to look at as it was to navigate. John used a service where he could update his content and layout when ever he wanted to. This left the site with many different fonts, colors, and layouts during a given week.
I sat with John and talked about what he wanted from his website and how he could make improvements to what he currently had that would benefit anyone trying to find his gym from an SEO stand point and also why he needed a consistent branding. Unfortunately John didn't want any help and continues to confuse anyone that comes to his website.
I couldn't help but make up a design with a solid branding, updated copy and easy to find information as an exercise in what could have been. I have since stopped going to FTC and feel that John will never be able to reach his full potential in his market area.
I designed a single page site that would have been easy for John to update and that had a color palette that wasn't like any of his competitors.